Read our latest Annual Report!

Download the report

The report is written in plain language and can be a great tool to build conversations around Employment First.

Questions the report answers:

-Why is ensuring employment for all, important?
-What does the 2019 American Community Survey say about employment data?
– What 11 Florida agencies are working together on Employment First?
-What are their goals?
-What have they accomplished?

Share this report with people you support, family members and colleagues. Discuss what you can do to support these efforts!  It takes all of us to make a difference.

Contact Jennifer at Jennifer.bose@umb for more information about the report.

Interview with Valerie Breen, Florida Developmental Disabilities Council

Valerie Breen, executive director of the FDDC, joined Employment First Florida on July 28, 2020 presentation to highlight the collaborative work being done to support the Employment First Florida initiative.

The initiative grew out of the council’s seven year commitment to improve employment opportunities for persons with disabilities. From 2013 until present, the council’s investment in time and dollars has resulted in many returns. Listen to Valerie’s recording to learn more.

Continue reading “Interview with Valerie Breen, Florida Developmental Disabilities Council”

Why is employment important for people with disabilities?

People with disabilities are LESS likely to work and MORE likely to live in poverty when compared to people without disabilities. Poverty is incredibly limiting. It limits where you live, how you get places, what you do in your free time, and the number of people you know.

Employment not only helps to reduce poverty, it also gives us independence and control over our own lives. It presents us with the opportunity to learn new things, gain skills, and make friends with people we meet through our job.