“Financial independence is possible!”

With hard work, planning, education, training, and support from Social Security, Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA) , employment support providers and others you can have a good job, good career, and a better, self-supporting future. Here are some resources that can help you access WIPA support and information on available work incentives! Being proactive is important and these tools can help put you in the drivers seat to increased independence.

Financial Security and Work Resources 

Find a WIPA provider in your area:
Social Security Administration provides a search engine by zip code. To search for a local WIPA provider enter a zip code and choose the dropdown option Benefits Counseling (WIPA) http://www.choosework.net 

Contact the Ticket to Work helpline:
If there are difficulties with the search engine or WIPA services are not currently available in an area, contact the Ticket to Work Helpline at 1-866- 968-7842 

SSA Benefits and Work Supports: 
To learn more about SSA benefits and work supports, by visiting: Social Security Administration: www.socialsecurity.gov/redbook/ 

Money Smart Financial Education Program:
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s (FDIC) Money Smart is a financial education program designed to help low and moderate-income individuals increase their financial skills and create positive banking relationships. http://www.fdic.gov/consumers/consumer/moneysmart/index.html 

Taking Control of your finances: 
To learn how to take control of your finances and build a financially independent future, we recommend visiting MyMoney.gov. MyMoney.gov is the U.S. government’s website dedicated to teaching all Americans the basics about financial education. The site can help you prepare for life events (e.g. births, buying a home, losing a job, retirement) that can affect your finances. Check out the money management tools, such as worksheets for setting up a household budget and a financial savings calculator to get started today! 

For more money management tips blog series: Created to teach and inspire, the blog series provides detailed information on managing money to help you achieve financial independence. Check it out here: Money Mondays: Your Path to Financial Independence. Sign up to receive blog updates so you don’t miss weekly tips! 

Blog tips for young adults: 